Posts made in July, 2009

And Home Again . . .

Posted By on Jul 27, 2009

How did camp go so fast?? I loved reconnecting – with growing children, with families who share the some of the same values I hold dear (family and friends, honoring our past, trying to be a positive force in the world) and who can give my girls a view of being asian in America that I can’t give them. Watching the children grow is a joy and overwhelming at the same time. How can Jennifer be starting college? How did Mark...

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Aspiring Actors

Posted By on Jul 26, 2009

It appears that most of the up-and-coming young artists for Second City are of Chinese descent; a few of their works of art were captured on stage tonight at the 51st annual Chinese Family Camp (now being held in Nappanee, Indiana). A chicken, a duck, a chicken-duck, all were presented in the teen skit. Not only very entertaining, but also extremely educational and informative in regard to the local Amish ways; did you know that you...

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Posted By on Jul 26, 2009

The night started off with an Amish dinner which was DELICIOUS! Hannah and Isaac had their cute little Chinese outfits on! Kevin and Eric are fantastic piano players. The teens plan to first got to Dairy Queen and then stay up all night for this final night (accept those who are driving home at midnight…MADIE AND DIANA!) now we are all hanging out in the Geranium Room eating greasy lo mein and wonderful fried rice and funky...

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I arrived here last night and jumped into the deep end of the pool (figuratively) here at Amish Acres. The school of fish of cute little kids, the sea of familiar faces – friends I’ve known for decades, and even some snacks! (Editorial note: Mark wants me to capture the milieu of Chinese Family Camp – I didn’t know we were allowed to have a milieu…hmmmm) Anyway, today Frank, Jim, and David Chao and I went...

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Sitting here with a plate of Beef Lo Mein and fruit, enjoying the company and chaos that is Chinese Family Camp! So far, we’ve learned about the evolution of Chinese characters, the Battle of China, Chinese games, making paper, Ming vases, printing scrolls, and the abacus. We’ve also learned a great deal about the Amish way of life, which is appropriate for our new “home”. Evening activities have been a big hit...

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