A Veteran’s Story

A Veteran’s Story with a CFC Connection


“There is a PBS documentary, called Unsettled History, featuring the children of the Doolittle Raiders, the famous bombing mission to Tokyo to retaliate for Pearl Harbor. Most of the B-25 crews bailed out over China, near small villages, where you can imagine, they were met by surprised villagers who had never seen a Westerner before. The villagers helped them, but eventually the occupying Japanese found out and destroyed their villages.

Melinda Liu, a CFC camper in the 60s, along with brothers Tom and Sheridan, appear in the documentary. Her father, T. S. Liu, helped the Raiders as a translator and guide and was made an honarary Doolittle Raider.” -Milton Chen


“Melinda’s father was also a student activist in China in opposition to the Japanese and supporter of Chiang Kai-Shek, Nationalist Chinese Party. His involvement with the Flying Tiger pilots and fliers was a historic link …..there are other YouTube interviews with Melinda about the documentary and their recent reunion trip back to China.

We were all just teenagers in the 60’s and 70’s at Camp. I don’t think we were quite aware of the significant contributions by all of the “Aunties” and “Uncles” when they were teens & college students in prewar China. It’s good to know that legacy is remembered as part of our Chinese-American heritage.” -Virginia Yang